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Support the Northwest Diving History Association

The NWDHA is a non-profit organization supported by volunteers, donors and sponsors. To help us continue our mission to collect, document and preserve diving history, we hope you will join our organization, donate your historic dive gear and artifacts, or contribute your diving stories and memorabilia.

Thank You

Thanks for taking the time to review our association web site and on-line diving history museum. If you are not already a member, we sincerely hope that you will become an active member of our 501 (c)(3) non-profit association.

Throughout the North Pacific’s coastal and inland cold-water diving region, from Northern California to Alaska, and east to the Rocky Mountains, there are scores of diving memorabilia collections that are looking for a new home. These valuable private collections include vintage diving equipment, old books, magazines, local dive club newsletters, creative artwork and cartoons, and lots of old photos. Some collections include unique and valuable artifacts that were gathered underwater by our favorite “underwater scroungers.” There are also countless stories to be told, some are very funny “sea stories,” some are in the category of “stupid ideas,” and many are valuable documentations of our diving history and how better ideas emerged, and how new dive sites were discovered.

The Museum Project

We are exploring ways to best exhibit the memorbilia and the stories. We are looking at establishing a main museum facility somewhere that will be most convenient for people to visit. We are also investigating the concept of setting up a series of mini-museums in several areas around our region.

We have established our on-line museum so that people from around the world can learn about our regional history of recreational and scientific diving. This part of the museum project is our primary focus for now.